Caithness Through The Seasons
Beautiful carpet of snowdrops at Thrumster
Nesting birds in Caithness
Blanket of Yellow in spring time at Thrumster House
Spring in Caithness
Thrumster House Broch
Wild garlic lines the woodland paths at Thrumster House
Thrumster House is surrounded by woodland gardens
Caithness has a wealth of wildlife, many species that are rare in other parts of the country
Caithness has some of the best wild brown trout fishing, Thrumster has 5 lochs to fish from
Stunning beaches all round the coast
The seals arrive to have their young and can be seen from Sarclet Haven
Winter surfing at Thurso East
Winter wildfowling
Night sky watching in Caithness
The view from North Yarrows cottage
Self catering cottage
Autumn at Thrumster House
Taste North is a food festival in the far north, in it's 6th year now
There are still many attractions open well into Autumn